Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"I Am" Poem--Assignment for Class

I am facing the sky.

I am Rocky Mountain sunrises, marveled at by young eyes through open tents.

I am desert sunsets, colors that arc over the landscape without end.

I am speaking to the wind, with every embracing breeze and reproachful gust.

I am facing the sky.

I am planted deep and wide, in soft grass that reach towards eternity.

I am perched on leafy branches of front yard trees.

I am, “Come on, Mom! Just 10 more minutes and I’ll come inside--I promise.”

I am broken, trivial promises, as I lose myself for hours when

I am facing the sky.

I am the product of my environment, a daughter of artists and craftsmen.

A work in progress,

I am rough-hewn by nature and refined in the fire of error.

I am ransomed by divinity and strengthened by the faith I receive while

I am facing the sky.

I am…unfathomed.